Monday, June 26, 2006


What is it with Love???
That makes me...And then breaks me?
When in love...Do I truly love?
Is it really love...Or do I think that I love?
Maybe I just love being in love...
Or love the idea of being in love?
I spent years chasing love...
In the end the one thing I truly love...
Could just be the mere pursuit of love...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Lonely Soul

The lonely soul wanders
Alone in the walks of life
No other soul as his companion
The lonely soul wanders

Alone in the daybreak
He does his duties
In the walks of life
The lonely soul wanders

Alone in the life
He meets many other souls
Who comes to be
Unfit for the lonely soul
The lonely soul wanders

As the days pass by
The lonely soul became
More lonely, with no other
souls as his companion
The lonely soul wanders

Alone in the walks of life
The lonely soul decides
Not to die, but to face
Life in all its hardships
The lonely soul wanders........

Your Picture!!

I have never seen anyone’s photo
With such longing.
But when I come to the last page
I can’t close the album.
I trace my fingers over your eyes,
Feeling the warmth of your tears.
I weep yet still you look at me
Not saying a word,
Not responding to the warmth of my hands.
Days come and go,
And every day, many times,
When I come to the last page,
I can’t bring myself to close the album,
You are still looking at me,
Cold and silent.

Tit or Tat!!

Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone.

Sing, and the hills will answer;
Sigh, it is lost on the air.

Rejoice, and people will seek you;
Grieve, and they turn and go.

Be glad, and your friends are many;
Be sad, and you lose them all.

Feast, and your halls are crowded;
Fast, and the world goes by.

Run, and everyone tries to keep pace;
Stop, and you are left behind.


Lost in a world, that scares me to death,
Lost in a crowd, I'm losing my breath.
Lost as a boy, lost as a man,
I need to grow up, don't think I can.

Lost as a person, can't find my way.
Lost in life, every day.
Lost in worry, who am I?
All my life, I've lived a lie.

Lost to kindness, lost to love,
Lost in a sky, like a new-born dove.
Lost in thought, which I shouldn't do,
It winds me up, I can’t get through.

Lost to comfort, all kind words,
Lost to advice, it isn't heard.
Lost to those who really care,
All these people, always there.

Lost in me, I need a break,
Lost in wonder, which road to take?
Lost in a place I don't know well,
Where are you now? There's no one to tell.

Lost here, all alone,
Lost apart from the mobile phone.
Lost still, there are no calls.
I'm struggling alone, to break these walls.

Lost in mind, lost in soul,
Lost memories, nothing whole.
Lost love, lost friends,
I'm trying hard, to get through these bends.

Lost in time, lost in space,
Lost in my world, can't keep up the pace.
Lost Inside....forever........


A marriage of two
is for love that is true

A marriage of two
is always something new

A marriage of two
happens sometimes out of the blue

A marriage of two
is worth it when its due

A marriage of two
is a marriage of trust

Many can find themselves lost
It can be an expensive cost

They are only very few
who have a clue
of when love accrues

A marriage of two
can be bad
A marriage of two
can be sad

You should only be glad if
A marriage of two
is for love that is true
As it will last all thru....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Friend

A friend
What makes a friend?
A friend
Is someone that everyone needs
A friend
Is that special one
A friend
Is someone you tell everything
A friend
Is someone you never lie to
A friend
Can be of any age old or young
A friend
Is someone that is always there
A friend
Will always listen to you
A friend
Will never leave you in trouble
A friend
Will help you through the thick and the thin
A friend
Will always stand by your side
A friend
Is what I don't have....
A friend
Is what I m searching for....

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Memory Lane

Travelling down the memory lane
is not all black n white
Travelling down the memory lane
is not all lacking light
Travelling down the memory lane
is not eye filled with tears
Travelling down the memory lane
brings fresh and soothing air
Travelling down the memory lane
is college, fun and friends
Travelling down the memory lane
is full of curves and bends
Travelling down the memory lane
is a test of time and mind
Travelling down the memory lane
is a joy of it's own kind


I sit alone, invisible
A shadow glooming everywhere
A whisper in the howling wind
A hole of pity and despair

I sit alone, invisible
No one really knows me
Just a face without a name
A ghost on a silent sea

I sit alone, invisible
Never to be known
A blade of grass in an endless field
Never to be grown

I sit alone, invisible
To small to count for anything
Just a voice to soft to hear
An angel without wings

My World

I sit here alone, in this dark place
My mind has gone crazy, my heart's in a race
I sit here alone, with my thoughts gone mad
I feel I'm insane, my life's turned bad
I sit here alone, as people pass by
I scream to be heard, but can't and cry
I sit here alone, I'm all messed up
I have no control, It's time to give up
I sit here alone, I can't hold on
I'm losing my grasp, My sanity's gone
I sit here alone, My freedom is here
The struggle is over, I won't shed a tear
I sit here alone, I shall never see light
I have only darkness, In my world tonight

You are not alone!!!!

No calls, no emails
No books, no movies
No coffee, no poems
No one that says "Hey come on bud, keep your head held high!"

No photographs, No letters
No songs, no company
No mom, no dad, no preachers
No one to turn to when it all goes downhill again

No sister, no love
No friends, no neighbours
No sunshine, no light
No one to love and to comfort me in these dark days

But the thing I want the most right now;
Is someone that would talk to me:
Tell me "You are not alone"

Not alone
Not alone
Not alone

Someone who tells:
You are not alone

Alone :(

Alone Alone all alone...
Alone I sit and think
Alone I sulk and sink
Alone I start in the morning
Alone I wait in the endless night
Alone I stand and fight
Alone I pray for rainbow lights
Alone I seek the glimmer of hope
Alone I celebrate my joys
Alone I cry out my sadness
Alone I voice out my fears
Alone I listen to the my whispers
Alone I stare at the sky
Alone I sit under a tree
Alone I try to understand
Alone I seek knowledge
Alone I share what is mine
Alone I try not to be alone
Alone I live today
Alone I will die someday...(hehe)
Alone I will drift away to oblivion
Been so Alone all the way....

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Each day I wake up with a frown
Rumours keep spreading around town
That I'm suffering a mental breakdown

A solitary walk I walk
A lonely talk I talk
As I wander as a lonely on the lonely road

I wander as a lonely at night
I wander as a lonely on sight
I wander as a lonely at day
I wander as a lonely and pray
I wander as a lonely each n every day

Slow down, slow down
Shut down, shut down
Shutdown the lonely thing before I drown

Why can't I embrace my friends with warmth
As they can give me assistance
Save me from my lonely existence
Why do I keep fighting love
Bending it around like a curve
With my glowering face
Reserving only a lonely place,
Halting happiness to arrive in my life

Why dont I ever stop to wonder?
Why dont I ever stop to ponder?
Am I the reason for the lonely blunders?

Slow down, slow down
Shut down, shut down
Can I remove from my head that lonely crown

I wander endlessly as a lonely
Searching for a spot called homely
But my face is missing that vital smile called lovely ...