Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hearts Demise

Lightning flashes up in the skies
The raindrops fall as Mr Cupid cries
He made a match that was unwise
Not watching where his arrow flies

Didn't know a problem would arise
Couldn't foresee my hearts demise
He meant well as he always tries
but even he seems to have his lows and highs

On him, my heart no longer relies
The time has come to cut the ties
As too many tears have dropped from my eyes
He must be stopped before my heart dies

This plan of his, he must revise
As my heart has said it's last goodbyes
Out of the ashes I will rise
As for Mr Cupid, I have come to despise

1 comment:

Niraj Jha said...

I am sure Mr Cupid has many more arrows in his quiver.. :)

He will hit the Bulls Eye pretty soon..given a chance.
So cheer up!