Sunday, March 05, 2006

When My Love Said Goodbye

Life changed so much when my love said goodbye,
The days went faster as if tomorrow would be another happy day,
A happier day than it was today,
But it wasn't happy at all,
The nights seemed to stop passing by,
Like it didn't want to,
Leaving me a mass of unhappiness,
A mass of sorrow and memories,
Floating back and forth in the empty room.

I heard the birds singing in those sunny summer afternoon,
And for once brief second,
I thought they were welcoming back spring,
When it had already passed by,
For one wishful moment I thought they were singing,
For welcoming back my love,
But it was only a fantasy,
It was a perfect dream gone sad.

I wished that my love would come back to be happy with me again,
But how much happiness,
How much of my wishes would really become reality?
Maybe I was afraid of my own reality,
That was why all my wishes fail on me,
Maybe I was too afraid to find someone new,
And it would be happening all over again,
Maybe my wishes had all become reality long ago,
But I had been turning away from them.

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